southeast asia: safe houses

Rescued from Trafficking


A new opportunity to make a huge difference is in the abhorrent area of human trafficking – specifically the sex slave industry. Thousands of teenagers are sold, entrapped, coerced, tricked, or drugged to force them to become slaves of organized crime in many countries, especially in Asia. For example, about 20,000 young girls leave Nepal each year to become prostitutes in other countries. Every 30 seconds another person becomes a victim – 36 million girls are enslaved around the world.

Our goal is to rescue teens who would possibly become targets for human trafficking to other countries. We have fellow Christians in several places who are already involved in this rescue ministry. We have built safe houses in Thailand, Laos and Thailand and help support houses in Nepal. These girls will be going to school, living in safety and experiencing the love of God. In addition, they are assisted with vocational education and job placement. This is not just a dormitory, it is their home.

It gives us a true sense of joy and excitement when we think about the opportunities available to us to serve these most vulnerable oppressed people of Southeast Asia, the children. In a day when it is estimated that some 40,000,000 people worldwide are enduring some form of slavery, we are taking the opportunity to find those most vulnerable to this epidemic evil and serve them by providing safe and loving homes. These homes through love and peace have seen some 80% of the kids come to an eternal life changing faith in Christ.

We have been a part of building safe houses for these children, and we hope to continue to do so as much as we can. Thank you for the support you have given so far! The more funds we get, the more we will do to save these precious children.

 Psalm 82:3 – “Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed.”


Vulnerable young girls in Laos are thankful for the new home, love and hope that they have been given.