disasters & miscellaneous
Delivered from Despair
Many different organizations provide disaster relief, and at Body & Soul Ministries, we also feel the need to contribute. Since our inception we have always been ready to step in and help where we can. Disasters are continually happening all around the world, and we never even hear about many of the smaller ones. When a massive disaster hits, like the many typhoons that have occurred in the Philippines, the need is so tremendous that everyone should help.
Through the years, Body & Soul has responded to a wide variety of special requests, from medical/dental clinics in Peru, Guatemala, Iraq and Cambodia to funding for orphanages in China, Nigeria, Indonesia and Kenya.
We have assisted in the aftermath of natural disasters in the Philippines, Nepal, India and more recently in Houston and Puerto Rico –delivering food, water and supplies to those affected by the devastation.
Help has been given to flood and hurricane relief in China, Bahama's, and closer to home, Texas and Florida. A deep well was dug in Ethiopia so that a camp of war refugees from South Sudan could have pure water. This well is so productive it provides water to a village and irrigation for crops. We built a medical clinic and pharmacy in a leper colony in India.
This is only a partial list of some of the things we have been able to do and it is all done by your generosity and for the Glory of God.
Body & Soul Ministries assisted the victims of the many typhoons that have hit the Philippines through the years.