Dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus.


John C. Bailey, DMD

president & Chairman of the Board



Dr. John Bailey’s interest in medical missions goes back to the first years of his practice of dentistry. During his 30 years of private practice he volunteered to go on one or two trips each year. When he retired in 1998 he knew his whole life up to that point had prepared him to do what his heart was compelling him to do. For four years he worked with other volunteer groups. In 2002 he formed his own 501(c)(3) charitable corporation called Body & Soul Ministries and at that time began a full time ministry in missions. The story of Body & Soul is a story about this man, who has tirelessly sacrificed blood, sweat and tears for others. The lives he has touched directly or indirectly through the years with his genuine love and compassion number in the tens of thousands. Keeping this work moving forward – continuing to “stand on the giving side of human need” – is the greatest tribute that all of those involved with this ministry could give him.


Danny Carrigan

Board Member



Danny Carrigan began his love for missions back in 1985, when he was in ninth grade and visited a missionary in Thailand supported by his church family. From multi country summer missions while a part of the Aggies for Christ (at Texas A&M), to tsunami relief trips, to seats on missions committees, God has placed opportunities in front of him over time to serve missionaries and those in need in places where resources are less abundant. Danny’s background is in business management, having served as President of Mesa Manufacturing, Inc., where he worked for 15 years. This business experience coupled with his passion for missions have made him an asset in helping Body & Soul Ministries serve others effectively while maintaining good stewardship practices with the funds donated by so many generous followers of Christ who want their resources to help in the best ways possible. 


Greg S. Smith

Board Member










Cody Mihills, M.D.

Board Member


Keith Enger

Board Member


Elizabeth Enger

Board Member


Marganda Marbun

Indonesia: Eye Surgery Camps, manager


Erni Halim

Indonesia: Eye Surgery Camps, accountant


Ngan Huynh

vietnam: english centers, director


Salma Perocho

philippines: Tree of life school, co-director


Gemma Cabarles

philippines: Tree of life school, co-director


Greg Smith began working with Dr. Bailey in 2006 while working as creative director at Caris Life Sciences. At that time he re-branded Body & Soul Ministries and started creating marketing materials such as newsletters, brochures, books, videos and website – in the effort to help “tell the story” for the many donors and constituents who contribute. His career in the communications arena, working in church and Christian university environments over the decades has taken him on missions and student projects around the world. This experience has fitted him well for the ministry he feels blessed to have been given. Greg began traveling with Dr. Bailey in 2007 and continues to visit our ministries on a bi-annual basis – helping to oversee their operation, to document and to encourage the workers in each country. Greg has a passion for philanthropic work and for sharing the love of Jesus to a world that is in need  – both body and soul.