Thank-You for a Great 2022!

Body & Soul Ministries had a very successful year, where a new trafficking safe house in Chiang Mai, Thailand opened up that we help sponsor – AND our annual Nias Island eye surgery camp in Indonesia broke a camp record performing 568 surgeries – bringing the overall number of surgeries to over 9,000 eyes since the inception of the project over 15-years ago. We are thrilled with the outcome – and are so grateful for all of you, our faithful donors to these life-changing missions.

Chiang Mai, Thailand Safe House

Here’s a little video and a few shots from board members Danny Carrigan and Greg Smith’s visit in October to a safe house Body & Soul Ministries funded in Chiang Mai, Thailand – working in partnership with Save Asian Souls. These precious, happy, vulnerable young girls are truly being saved – rescued and given a new life. There were 4.8 million sex trafficking victims globally in 2016 (and it’s gotten a lot worse since then) – 3.8 million were adults, and 1 million were children – 99% of victims were women and girls. Thank you to everyone of you who contribute to making these rescues a reality.

Nias, Indonesia Eye Surgery Camp

A huge shoutout to our entire Indonesian medical team for accomplishing a record-breaking 568 cataract eye surgeries at our annual Nias Island camp at Gunung Sitoli Hospital. Our three doctors, Drs. Jusni, Pinto and Nelly are amazing! And a special thank-you to Syafrin, who performs the screening of potential patients and does the actual pre-op prep for every single eye surgery – and this year all while suffering from a bad case of diabetes, including gangrene in his foot. This is a great work – sharing the love of Jesus and dramatically changing people’s lives – “sight to the blind.” Thank you again for your continued prayers and financial support.

We will be surpassing the amazing milestone of 10,000 eyes since we began this ministry in 2005, at our upcoming March 2023 surgery camp there in northern Sumatra, Indonesia! We thank you in advance for helping us achieve this major milestone.

Can Tho, Vietnam English Schools

The Body & Soul Ministries Vietnam English school mission has expanded! The school that was established in 2015 to assist children around Can Tho City in the Mekong Delta area now has almost 300 students. Poor children here in Vietnam can't afford to take the supplemental English that is necessary to pass their tests and move on. Learning English is important to advance in school and to vocationally go forward in life. The need is so great that we started a new school in 2017, Connor English Center, about 45 minutes from Can Tho in the Has Giang Province. The tenacity with which Director Ngan Huynh and her team pursue excellence at these schools is well known. While the schools grow in community influence, she and her staff continue a dedication to meeting the needs of the poor of the community.

Greg Smith